14 września 2008

Monster timeline

1960s - Bonaparta begins the "Monster" project. With Capek as his right hand man, they attempt to create the perfect Monster through readings of disturbing illustration books to chosen children, including Bonaparta's own son.

~1975 - Twins' father and mother met and decided to run away from experiment. Bonaparta anticipated this and imprisons mother. Twins are born, Bonaparta strips them of their names. Mother swore vengeance on Bonaparta through her twins. Bonaparta somehow falls in love with Mother and starts to regret starting the project, but couldn't stop.

~1980-1984 - Mother moves to Three Frogs apartment in Cedok Bridge in Prague (probably still under surveillance by Bonaparta). Lives with Hellenka Novak, AKA Margot Langer (Shuvald's lover, Karl's mother) for a while. Hellenka successfully crossed into West Germany, while Mother got deported back to Prague. Shuvald visited sometime in 1984, when the twins are still around.

~1984-1985 - Bonaparta sends Capek to pick one of the twins. Mother disguises the boy as a girl to confuse them, but still forced to make a choice of who to send. She sends her girl (Nina).

After being imprisoned in a dark room in the Red Rose Mansion for days, the twin girl (Nina) witnesses the poisoning of 41 people as part of the plan to breed the perfect Monster in her. But Bonaparta, somehow repentent, urges her not to become a Monster. The girl, horrified, runs back to her place.

Only the boy, disguised as a girl, remains. The girl told all of her experience to her twin brother, and thus transferred the Monster into the boy (Johan), who believed her experience in the Mansion to be his.

They burned the apartment and left for the border. There, "Johan" began his killing spree. After falling unconscious on the East German border, they got picked up by General Wolf. Johan got sent to Kinderheim 511 for his abilities (maybe they saw something special about him that would make him the perfect spy). While "Anna" got sent to another orphanage.

1986 - Johan singlehandedly causes the downfall of Kinderheim 511. He got adopted by the diplomat Liebert. Johan insist they adopt his twin sister as well.

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